Making responsible investment the default approach.

By Emmanuel B. Panado “What are the ways to minimize human impact on the environment?” The question emphasized our duty to do what is right and not just planting 2 million trees like those of Elon Musk’s, Mr. Beast, etc. What we need to do is to be sensitive in our environment and throughout the…

Green Living Tips

By Alyana C. Caspe Actions can be taken every day to reduce your ecological footprint or the mark you leave on your natural environmental and its resources. Ecological footprint is defined as the measure of human demand on nature and compares human consumption of natural resources with earth’s ecological capacity to regenerate them. There are…

Role of Youth for a Green Environment

By Ronieca Marie M. Nicandro “Nature gives us everything we need to survive: water, air and food. We must act to save nature, in order for nature to save us,” said Jemi, a Scout from the Philippines. With half the world’s population under the age of 30, young people today will shape the world of…